
 「世界気候エネルギー首長誓約」(Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy、以下「世界首長誓約」、「GCoM」という。)は、持続可能なエネルギーの推進、温室効果ガスの国の目標以上の削減、気候変動の影響への適応に取り組むことにより、持続可能でレジリエント(強靭)な地域づくりを目指し、同時に、パリ協定の目標の達成に地域から貢献しようとする自治体の首長が、その旨を誓約し、そのための行動計画を策定した上で、具体的な取組を積極的に進めていく国際的な仕組みです。2023年11月の時点で、146ヶ国の13,200*を超える自治体の首長が、この「世界首長誓約」に誓約しています。
*出典 https://www.globalcovenantofmayors.org/impact2023/




Welcome to the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy

The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is the world’s movement for promoting local climate and energy actions, aiming sustainable energy promotion, drastic greenhouse gas emissions reduction and adaptation for climate change impacts, at the same time mayors pledge their contribution to achievement of Paris Agreement goals and setting local action plan.
 As one of the regional Covenant of Mayors under a single umbrella, the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy JAPAN (CoM Japan) has been set up in Japan.

Story of the Global Covenant of Mayors


Implementation organization

This initiative is proceeded as an EU program named “INTERNATIONAL URBAN COOPERATION SUSTAINABLE AND INNOVATIVE CITIES AND REGIONS”. The secretariat of Covenant of Mayors-Japan is in charge of Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University.

The preparatory meetings have held in March 2018 with some stakeholders such as member city of Compact of Mayors, Japanese Covenant of Mayors and ICLEI-Japan. The Steering Committee in provisional phase will convene in May 2018. The Steering Committee in implementation phase will be established when the number of CoM-Japan signatories increases.


About inquiry


Further information

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